Help build Consult Bridge!

Our Consult Bridge team consists of doctors, engineers, web designers, and business folks who largely volunteer their time and expertise to make Consult Bridge a reality. Most of us are tentmakers who work other jobs to support the work we do for Consult Bridge. A few team members receive nominal compensation for their work, but as an organization, we do not seek to make a profit. Our goal is to make Consult Bridge sustainable by raising enough funds through grants and donations to cover operational costs such as cloud server space, development software fees, and administrative costs. Thank you for believing in our vision and for supporting us through prayer and funding!

Additional Info for Donors

Will my donations be tax-deductible?

Consult Bridge Inc is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and all donations are tax-deductible. Tax ID #92-0729457. Thank you for your support!

How will my donation be utilized?

Building the Consult Bridge platform requires a team of clinicians, software engineers, designers, and administrators, of which 60% of our team members are volunteering their time and expertise. The bulk of our overhead goes toward developing and maintaining the platform–software engineers to build the platform, website designers to make our site user-friendly, developers to write the code, servers to store the data, and third party applications to streamline the platform’s functions. Our goal is to keep administrative costs under 10%. Your giving enables us to offer Consult Bridge as a free resource to those who need it most in the field.